Truth in Charity explores religion and spirituality through topical conversations with Bishop Rhoades and his guests.
Convo with Kyle: As we celebrate National Marriage Week and St. Valentine’s Day, this week’s episode of Truth in Charity focuses on the mystery of marriage. Bishop Rhoades offers guidance for couples on things like: the importance of recalling one’s wedding day, being open to God’s grace, the definition of true sacrificial love, as well...
Convo with Kyle: Bishop has just returned from Panama City! And on this week’s episode of Truth in Charity, he shares all the highlights from World Youth Day. Including what Panama’s culture, food, and music are like, as well as where they were able to celebrate Mass, the catechesis opportunities for the young adults who...
Convo with Kyle: On this episode, Bishop Rhoades talks about the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., what we can learn from his heroic life dedicated to upholding the dignity of every human person and the work that’s still left to do. Then it’s on to the biblical figure of Melchizedek and his...
Convo with Kyle: This week, Bishop talks about the relationship between science and religion, including evolution and the origin of man. Then it’s on to questions submitted by listeners on topics including Saturday evening Masses and whether or not Masses should be celebrated facing the East or Ad Orientem. All that and more coming up...
Convo with Kyle: On this weeks episode we have two special guests the Diocesan Secretary for Catholic Education Carl Loesch and the principal of St. John the Baptist School in New Haven Zac Coyle. Catholic Schools Week is approaching, and on this week’s episode, hear more about Catholic schools in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South...
Convo with Kyle: This week, Bishop reflects upon the Church’s oldest feast day…the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God…..and its connection to Christmas. Then Bishop unpacks the Feast of the Epiphany including the significance of the three wise men’s gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And at the end of the show, Bishop and...
Convo with Kyle: Bishop reflects upon the Octave of Christmas celebration. Then it’s on to today’s Feast of St. Stephen, the Church’s first martyr. While it may seem like a contradiction to celebrate a martyr’s death during Christmas, Bishop shows the connection between the two. How the wood of the cradle leads to the wood...
Convo with Kyle: Bishop reflects upon the birth of Christ…including the humility of Mary, the meaning of Jesus placed in a manger, and how His birth was a quiet sign of love and mercy filled with the power of God. Then, Bishop answers questions submitted by listeners on topics like why priests wear black with...
Convo with Kyle: On this episode of Truth in Charity Kyle talks with two Hispanic deacons from our Diocese about their call and journey to the permanent Hispanic diaconate. Then it’s on to special Mexican traditions for celebrating Our Lady of Guadalupe….whose feast day is today….and hear more about their all-Spanish show. —— Truth in...
Convo with Kyle: It’s a special St. Nicholas episode featuring students from the St. Joseph campus of Mishawaka Catholic School! After talking a bit about who St. Nicholas was, Bishop answers questions from students – 5:28 – How old were you when you first thought about becoming a priest? – 6:18 – What’s your favorite...