Broken and Beautiful ~ May 2021 Teaching

The world demands that we be fit, wealthy, and well-dressed to be considered beautiful. But God’s view of us is very different. His power is made perfect in our weakness. Come as you are ~ doubting or decided, broken or made...

Womb, Tomb, and Upper Room ~ April 2021 Teaching

Mary’s Womb, Joseph’s Tomb and the Upper Room are all spaces where Jesus was present but hidden. Each of these areas offers us an opportunity to grow in our spiritual journey. Join us to learn how these sacred spaces invite us to a deeper...

Rescuers and Bystanders – March 2021 Teaching Part 2

We were not created to be Bystanders. We are the Body of Christ and we were designed to live without fear. Join us to discover how our bodies were meant to be the vessel of Our Lord. He desires to fill us, raise us, and send us out to be His...

Divine Reading ~ LAUNCH Series Two Part 2

Mary Jo Parrish talks about hearing God’s voice through His word, sacred scripture. How do we read scripture as if God is speaking directly to us? Find more about this podcast. More Episodes: Show Notes: post Divine Reading appeared...

Lord, Teach Us How To Pray ~ LAUNCH Series Two Part 1

We all know we should be praying, but often our prayer is distracted and messy. It can feel like we are not doing it right or it’s just not holy enough. Join us to uncover barriers that are keeping us from deep and fruitful prayer. Find more about this podcast. More...