“Where do our beloved dead go? How do they live? And what does this all mean for us,

who remain?”

Those questions are animating a project I’m working on between the McGrath Institute

for Church Life, where I work, and Ave Maria Press as part of the Engaging

Catholicism series. To help with this project, I have asked a few people if

they would talk with me about their experiences of grief, about their hope for

communion with loved ones who have died, and about their images of Heaven. I’m

not recording all of these conversations, but I am asking a couple (or maybe

three) people if they would be willing to record an episode for our show so

that you can listen in, too.

Today is the first of those couple or maybe three episodes. My guest is Laura Kelly

Fanucci, a writer and speaker who has worked extensively on grief and longing

and hope and vocation. But she’s also got a story you’ve got to hear. Thanks

for listening in.