What can we do to build a culture more welcoming of life and more devoted to upholding human dignity? Many might think those to be worthy pursuits, but have no idea what to actually do. But you know who not only has good ideas, but is putting those ideas into practice? My guest on today’s show.

I am joined today by Jessica Keating, who serves as the director of the Office of Life and Human Dignity within the McGrath Institute for Church Life at Notre Dame. Jessica holds a Master’s of Divinity degree from Notre Dame and a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and sociology from St. Joseph’s in Philadelphia. In addition to her work in the office of life and human dignity, she is also completing a doctoral degree in systematic theology at Notre Dame.

If you want to follow up on the resources or initiatives we will discuss today, please go to mcgrath.nd.edu/lifeandhumandignity.
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