Convo with Kyle:
Hear more about how the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is prayerfully making changes on issues like the sexual abuse crisis and racism during their annual fall meeting.

17:10 – Who or how is it decided what will be on the agenda?
18:26 – How is the voting done for deciding on things?
19:20 – How much leeway do they have to make decisions without having the Pope approve?
22:00 – Are lay people allowed to attend any or all of the functions?
22:28 – Who pays for these gatherings?
22:48 – If the people have a strong opinion about how we want them to make changes in regard to the scandals, does it help to do letter writing campaigns to Bishops?

Then it’s on to the Second Annual World Day of the Poor. Bishop Rhoades talks about how we are called to love the materially poor and spiritually poor.

35:33 – Why does it take so long for some of us to re-find our faith and grow up?
37:12 – Does Bishop think that those who are called to marriage have only one person in this world that they are compatible with? Or are there many people they could marry?
38:50 – I like that we are praying the St. Michael prayer more often now. Is it true that Pope Leo XIII wrote it after hearing a conversation between God and the devil?

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